Dark Cube partage l’amour de la musique techno. Le club est déjà en voie de devenir un haut-lieu de la techno underground. Cette techno hard et rapide est actuellement la plus écoutée et la plus populaire à travers l’Europe. Chaque nouvel événement a battu le précédent record et la popularité du collectif grandit de jour en jour en Belgique et dans les pays voisins comme les Pays-Bas et la France.
Dark Cube shares the love of techno music. Over the years, we’ve naturally gravitated towards several subgenres of techno, ranging from industrial, acid to rave. This hard and fast techno is currently the most listened to and the most popular across Europe. Due to this enthusiasm, Dark Cube was forced to refuse to sold tickets at the entrance due to sold out. Each new event has beaten the previous record and the popularity of the collective is growing day by day in Belgium and its neighboring countries such as the Netherlands and France.